Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Great Hercules Globular Cluster

On June 25th, I viewed the impressive Hercules Globular Cluster, also known as M13. It was a balmy night in low 80s. Unfortunately, the mosquito's were terrible so it was a short night. M13 is a monster globular and at magnitude 7.0, a real eye stopper. With a 10mm eyepiece, I was able to discern actual individual stars. Found in the constellation Hercules, this cluster is comprised of about 400,000 stars and is 25 million light years away.

I also viewed M29 in Cygnus, a small open cluster. At magnitude 9.0 it was just an ordinary open cluster with about 6-7 primary alpha stars.

10:00pm-10:30pm CST
Partly Cloudy - Calm
79 degrees F

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